This article explains what to do if you encounter the"Objects <object_type>.<schema>.<object_name> are not compared yet" error message
ApexSQL Add-ins “crowding” menus in SSMS and VS
This article explains about the problem of ApexSQL Add-ins “crowding” menus in Visual Studio and SSMS and the resolution
Visual Studio and SQL server Management Studio menu bars is “crowded” with ApexSQL Add-ins
The “System.OutOfMemory” error
Applies to
ApexSQL Diff, ApexSQL Log, ApexSQL Doc, ApexSQL Doc for MySQL
This article explains what to do when the System.OutOfMemory exception is encountered
A scheduled batch file is not executed
Applies to
ApexSQL Diff, ApexSQL Log
A batch file for executing ApexSQL application tasks works when run manually, but when scheduled using Windows Scheduler, nothing happens and no warning messages are shown
Compare It! says it is unregistered
Applies to
ApexSQL Diff
This article discusses the use of Compare It! as an optional 3rd party add-in for ApexSQL Diff.