Not enough time to create documentation

Applies to
ApexSQL Doc, ApexSQL Doc for MySQL

This article explains what to do when the “ApexSQL Doc has waited for HTML help compiler work result for 600 seconds. Result was not produced for this time” error is encountered

The compile timeout in ApexSQL Doc is set to 10 minutes by default

To create documentation for a large number of objects or many databases, this parameter should be increased. Set the Compile timeout option in the Application options dialog on the Home tab to a higher value

If this doesn’t help, compile the document manually:

  1. Open the ApexSQL Doc Intermediary folder. The default locations are:
    For Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\MyDocuments\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDoc\Intermediary
    For Vista and later C:\Users\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDoc<version_number>\Intermediary\
  2. Delete all TempXXX folders
  3. Document a database, and if compilation fails due to timeout, go to the intermediary folder
  4. Find the newest TempXXX folder
  5. Open the Command Prompt and go to the ApexSQL Doc installation folder
  6. Use the hhs.exe command
    Usage: hhc
    where = an HTML Help project file
    Example: hhc myfile.hhp
    hhc.exe C:\Users\Milena\Documents\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDoc\FjtsDELL-SQL2012.DEVOnlyapexdoc.hhp

This creates a CHM file named apexdoc.chm in the HTML files folder

About ApexSQL Doc
ApexSQL Doc documents SQL Servers, databases, objects, and SSIS packages in a single document. Create database documentation in a variety of formats including compiled help (.CHM), HTML and MS Word. Schedule your documentation process unattended with the help of the CLI

Last updated
April 7, 2013