Cannot configure auditing for SQL Servers with caps sensitive collation

Applies to
ApexSQL Audit

Auditing options cannot be configured for SQL Server with caps sensitive collation.

Due to a bug in ApexSQL Audit R1 and earlier, configuring a SQL Instance with case sensitive collation is not be possible in some cases.  After registering the new SQL Server instances with the ApexSQL Audit service, users might be prevented from configuring what and how to audit. Pressing Apply will not save any configuration changes even though no errors or visual indications that there was a problem will be displayed.

When this occurs, the ApexSQL Audit log file ApexSQL.Comply.Service.log that is located in the C:\ProgramData\ApexSQL\ApexSQLComply\Central\<server name>\LOG folder will contain the following error message:

ERROR: Exception has occurred during processing of method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Boolean] in Actor TraceManagerActor. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable “@TraceId”.

This error confirms the issue described above.

Affected versions:
ApexSQL Audit 2014.03.1192 and earlier.

The issue is partially fixed in ApexSQL Audit 2014.03.1192 and will be totally fixed in next application release of ApexSQL Audit.